For most adult women, the first se xual experience is unforgettable and probably the best ever.
A few years down the line, many relationships run into crisis on this account- many many women just do not like to cook.
In our part of the world, girls are raised not only to learn how to cook but to happily cook for other people for the rest of their lives, three times a day. If they cannot live up to that ‘simple’ responsibility, they are complete failures, especially in relationships.

Women are therefore happy to pretend to be kitchen genies at the beginning of relationships and would never admit to not just absolutely loving cooking. Rather, they prefer to give their man the impression that they live just to feed him as many times as possible in a day. Unfortunately, that impression is bound to waste when she insists of going out for dinner every so often when the relationship is established.

She feels insulted when he gives her money
Of course nothing makes your man feel grander than knowing he has met his woman’s need and probably even exceeded her expectations, especially if he had to bend over backwards to do it. Studies show the average woman is actually disappointed almost every time their man gives them a gift, especially when it is money.

Truth is, today’s working women have developed very sophisticated tastes that their men can barely keep up with, and they are ready to work very hard when it’s necessary to do so. But would a woman ever complain her man has not even scratched the surface when he gives her cash? Never
She does not trust him
For all her freedoms and liberation, a woman is far less likely than a man to voice her insecurities in a relationship that the other way round.